Monday, May 07, 2007

Don't count your falcons before they're hatched...

Wow, is everyone really in suspense! Will the eggs hatch or won't they? Well, we definitely hope they will but remember, there is the chance they may not due to one or more factors. This is Scout's first attempt and depending on her maturity there's no guarantee the eggs are fertile. However, in this picture it definitely looks like there is some hatching going on. The egg on the left appears to have a hole in it! So we will keep good thoughts but in reality, we won't count any falcons until we have a hatch for sure. I have been a little concerned that the adults have been setting so tight on the eggs. I would expect that they would be noticably restless as described in earlier posts. Unfortunately, I will be in the field tomorrow and unable to update the blog until Wednesday. I truly hope to have good news by then!