Friday, April 11, 2008

Computer Maintenance Alert & a 4th Egg!

First things first: later this morning the cams will be down for a short time for computer maintenance. We expect this to occur around 10 a.m. The interruption will hopefully be for less than an hour. The work to be done is one of several steps of planned improvements necessary to help keep the cams running on a more consistent basis. Thanks for your patience!

On to the big news...a 4th egg was laid this morning about 7:38 a.m.! Thanks to all of the fans out there that sent photos. Liz and Mary Anne both were able to capture the earliest photo of the new egg first seen at 7:39:
Interesting that the first egg blends in so well with the others now. I mentioned in a previous post that the pigmentation was lighter and duller than the second egg but now it is no longer obvious (at least in this picture) which egg was laid first. All the eggs appear normal--let's hope that they are fertile! More on what to expect during incubation coming up...