Friday, June 27, 2008

Boomer back at the nest

Two juvenile falcons have been on the nest ledge most of the day. One was reported to be Mistic early, but I was not able to confirm that with a photo of a leg band. About midday we were able to confirm (via leg band codes) Justice (as suspected) and Boomer! So, he did recover from the window strike yesterday and is well enough to make it up 41 floors high back to the nest. This is excellent news. Boomer and Justice have been fairly active, running along the ledge, flapping, vocalizing and fighting over prey delivered by one of the adults.

I've received several reports directly and many indirectly through the WildInfo email. Thanks to everyone for helping to watch! Even though I don't always repond to each one, I do read every one of the emails. I truly appreciate hearing what folks are seeing but saving stills of leg band codes like this helps me even more. Thanks to Melissa from Columbus for sending this shot: