Monday, June 13, 2016

Back on the Ledge-Then Gone Again!

As we hoped in last week's update, the falcon that was grounded and in rehab for observation checked out okay and was returned to the ledge earlier today.  Due to the yellow feet and small overall size, we believe it to be the youngest falcon of the clutch--the one that hatched last.
Here's Karen with the falcon, (who was quite feisty!):
And preparing to set it outside the access door onto the ledge:
Even though it was well fed, after its release it promptly found some leftover prey on the ledge and ate.  It spent about 2 hours on the ledge flapping, looking around, and screeching.  An adult landed on the ledge briefly twice.  Then, a little before 1 pm, off it flew!  Let's hope this bird does well from here on out and thanks to the Glen Helen Raptor Center for taking care of this peregrine during its brief down time.