Monday, June 06, 2011

New Male on the Scene and Update on Thunderbolt!

For the past few days a young falcon has been seen off and on at the ledge and in the nestbox. Finally, this morning he cooperated and showed his leg bands: black over red: 19/B. This is "Matrix" from the Canton, Ohio, Bank One/Chase Building 2010 nest! He and Durand have been interacting well so that would indicate that the unbanded, adult male here during this past nesting season is no longer in the territory. Let's hope this bird stays!

On another note, we received word that "Thunderbolt" a female hatched in Columbus in 2006 is now nesting at the University of Michigan! The male at that location is yet to be identified but as you can see from this photo, Thunderbolt posed rather nicely to allow a full and complete reading of her band:
The pair is currently raising 3 chicks. It is always a thrill to hear of "our" Columbus falcons doing well elsewhere in the Midwest!