As nesting season approaches, we took advantage of a nice sunny February morning to install a new ledgecam platform. The platform's function is simple: to elevate a perching falcon. Now when a peregrine perches next to the ledgecam, the platform should elevate it just enough that we can read leg bands. We have used this technique for several years but last summer the existing platform had deteriorated to the point it was removed to be rebuilt.

This shot gives viewers a "behind the scenes" look at the ledge camera. The spikes are used to deter the falcons from perching on top and on either side of the camera where they would be out of view.
We hope to have the audio restored to the streaming video very soon.

Both Durand and Spark flew by several times as we worked. Durand even landed on the ledge a few times to check us out and give us a close up look at her.
Lately both of the falcons are spending time daily at the ledge, bonding and working on the nest scrape. Here is a
video of Durand scraping in the gravel. In past years eggs have been laid at Ohio nest sites as early as the 2nd week in March. Last year Durand laid the first egg in Columbus on March 26. As the days continue to lengthen, be watching for more bonding behavior and mating on the ledge!